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5D NanoPrinting EU Project Kicked-off

Writer: Patrizio RaffaPatrizio Raffa

The RaffaLab is proud to be part of this FET-Open European project awarded to IIT. We started our collaboration with Dr Virgilio Mattoli @IIT more than one year ago with the PhD of Frank den Hoed, aimed at developing functional materials with stimuli-responsive properties that can be 3D printed using the 2-photon polymerization method. His thesis fits nicely within the goals of the 5D NanoPrinting project. Next to Frank, soon a Post-Doc will be joining the project, supervised by Prof. Picchioni, Dr Bose, and myself. Soon there will be an open position published on the RUG website, and a press release about the EU project. More information about the project and partners involved can be found at



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